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Nutrition Therapy for Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating

Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder or concerned about your relationship with food? Nutrition therapy for eating disorders includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive over-eating, binge eating disorder, Avoidant Restrictive Feeding Intake Disorder (ARFID), orthorexia, and other disordered eating. A multidisciplinary approach is essential for the treatment of eating disorders. I will collaborate with your team to coordinate care or help you find a team as appropriate. 


Nutrition Therapy for Wellness

Nutrition therapy for wellness is for the individual or family who needs assistance with meal planning or preparation. I can assist you with questions related to general nutrition, family nutrition, food allergies, product selection, supplements, and physical activity. I am happy to provide strategies for general health concerns. 

Moon Nutrition Therapy | Teran Guyton Moon MS RDN LDN

Nutrition Therapy for Weight and Body Image Concerns

We are constantly bombarded with diet messages, yet the research is clear. Diets do not work. Your stories and values are very important to me. I will work with you using non-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) and intuitive eating philosophies. I enjoy helping individuals and families normalize eating patterns and develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. My approach is highly individualized as I provide practical and scientifically sound guidance toward your nutrition-related goals

Sports balls. Soccer ball, american foot

Performance Nutrition for the Recreational to Professional Athlete

I enjoy providing nutrition counseling for improved sport performance. I understand the nutritional needs and psychological demands of sport from fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes. I have worked with competitive athletes including marathoners, triathletes, football players, swimmers, volleyball players, cyclists, and soccer players. Whether you are looking to learn how to fuel better throughout the day or understand how to eat and hydrate before, during and after your sport, I can help. I am also available to provide team talks and special topics upon request.

Moon Nutrition Therapy | Teran Guyton Moon MS RDN LDN

Grocery Store


A grocery tour outing is helpful for those who become overwhelmed by the many food choices or want help preparing meals and snacks throughout the week. I can provide tips on purchasing and storing foods, discovering new food choices, and managing your food budget. I can meet you at your favorite grocery store, and will help you navigate the aisles. In order to provide personalized suggestions, a consultation is required before scheduling a grocery outing

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